
Interview with The Scotsman

I did an interview with The Scotsman's Chitra Ramaswamy. It is one of the most fun interviews I've had in a long time. And it features one of my favorite quotes I've ever said.

"I think there is an element of racism in even listening to the Tea Party - it's like 'these white people are upset! We'd better hear what they have to say!' Meanwhile the Black Panthers had to get guns to be heard."

I think I like this interview so much because she took everything I said and then re-calibrated it make it more British-y, which makes me sound more intelligent to me... because I'm a self-hating American.


My NEW Solo Show Debuts in SF 8/28! ONE NIGHT ONLY!

This is the poster for my NEW solo show. It debuts in San Francisco on August 28th @8pm as a part of The Solo Performance Workshop Festival. It's called, "AAAAAAAAAARGH!: A Solo Show About How Frustrating Frustration Can Be"

Come that night, because it may never happen again! Get your tix HERE!